
Government extends deadline for feedback on draft E-commerce Rules

The government has extended the deadline for feedback on draft E-commerce Rules. In June 2021 Consumer Affairs Ministry had proposed amendments to the E-commerce rules to address complaints against unfair trade practices. It had sought comments from relevant stakeholders and key e-commerce players to submit their inputs. Earlier the deadline was 6th July 2021.

The ministry on 5th July 2021 extended the deadline to 21st July 2021. The comments/ suggestions can be sent to js-ca@nic.in

The Objective of the New Rules

The Consumer affairs ministry argues that the objective of the draft E-Commerce rules is to protect consumer interest and add an extra layer of compliance for e-commerce firms. Consumer affair minister, Piyush Goyal said, “By announcing the e-commerce policy for consumer protection, we have demonstrated that our first and foremost concern is the consumer.”

E-commerce Plaftorms’ views

Last week companies like Amazon, Tata group, Paytm, and Flipkart reached out to the government requesting the deadline for submission of comments be extended till the end of this month or at least 20 days.

In addition to this, these companies also raised concerns regarding the draft rules. They’re saying that government needs to re-visit the rules because the proposed changes would harm their business models.  

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Pukhraj Biala

I am an undergraduate student at Symbiosis Law school, NOIDA, pursuing B.A.LL.B. I am a problem solver who believes in reaching to a conclusion by weighing all the options and identifying the best possible one. I find Technology Laws quite fascinating and I continue to follow and learn the subject.

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